Friday, March 6, 2009

In His Own Words

Earlier this week, Dean wrote a short note that I want to share with you:

Dear Family, Friends & Caregivers:
Thanks for all you are doing to restore me! ... Can't wait to "talk" to you again. Love, Dean

Today, when I arrived at the hospital Dean was stressed and kind of wild-eyed. He was having difficulty talking. Come to find out, the small turquoise vent that he uses for talking had been removed so that he could sleep. The doctor showed me how to remove and reinsert the vent. Too much information!!!

Even with the vent, Dean struggled to talk this morning. The respiratory therapist was perplexed about why. He said all vital signs were the same as yesterday when Dean could talk much better. Dean didn't seem to have the energy to push the air up his airway from his back and diaphram. This is one of those valleys we allude to.

When we talk about Dean's good day's and bad days, it's hard to convey that even the good days are the good days of a person who is very ill. It will still be months before Dean can walk out of the hospital on his own. One of the hospital housekeepers told him he looked better today - Maurice said he checks on Dean when he's there. That's the level of love and support Dean is receiving from all who know him even down to the hospital workers who don't see him every day. We're grateful to each and every one of you. Linda


jayez said...

Words fail me with the enormity of Dean's task and yours. Thank you for putting into words the challenges and perspectives. .......months, .....months, some day that will last year. Much love.

jayez said...

I forgot an important word - some day that will be last year.

Anonymous said...

Way to go, dear friend--most days you're better and better. We can only imagine how frustrating it has been for you. By the time you read this, you'll feel so much stronger!!

Walter and Hugo

Anonymous said...

I'm in Colorado catching up with family. Strange to think how close we are today but can't do the usual "Let's have dinner." Keep up the great recovery work; with care and prayer, we'll get to those dinners another day in the not-too-distant future.
Hugs to all,

Ann Jones said...

I check your blog postings several times a day. Love is difficult to define, but it comes through so loud and clear in all of your postings. I pray that you can all keep your strength and courage to continue to help Dean along on this terribly difficult journey. I can just see the sun shining over the Rockies the day Dean can finally walk out of the hospital! With much love