Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday afternoon

I've been here since about 10:45 this morning and Dad is the most awake he has been since I got into town. He is still battling several infections which have really weakened him, but he's more alert at least and trying to figure out his surroundings. He still can't speak due to the trach vent but he's writing notes the last two days and his handwriting is getting a little stronger which makes it much easier to understand him. He's spent about the last hour in the chair position in bed sitting up some, so that is a good sign. He's once again asking for water, to get out of bed and to go home, all things that hadn't happened in a while. We're hoping that this means he might be taking a step forward and then maybe there won't be any further steps back.



Anonymous said...

hey there...have you considered teaching him a few simple signs that might help in his ability to get his thoughts across? dunno if that'd be helpful, or a strain at this point...but some simple signs could go a long way! Let me know if you're curious and I'm happy to help!!

Tell Dean Shana and Taya are with him in spirit!!! (not that he's likely tracking or aware of dates, but FYI, tomorrow was my mom's birthday in case comes up somehow)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the news. Thoughts and daily prayers for you all.

David Jensen