Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Today Was a Down Day

Monday and Tuesday were very good days for Dean. He got his speaking trache, at last; he stood erect for the first time, connected to an apparatus that lets him lean into a shelf unit; and he got to dangle his legs over the side of his bed. Today was not so good. Dean received two pints of blood and his heart rate was high.

On Tuesday, Dean and I talked about the kids, and my work, and lots of newsy kinds of things. But right before I left, he told me the nurses and doctors were drinking outside his room and wouldn't let him have a drink. He wanted me to go ask the nurse if he could have a drink too or was it going to be a "dry bar." Today, he wanted Bill to get two kinds of root beer and water from Eldorado Springs to compare them.

The delusions continue, not as frequently as before, but they come out of the blue. And now Dean realizes when we look at him funny or can't respond to his questions that something is not right. We pray the delusions will totally disappear.

Dean did tell me that his inability to communicate had made him feel like he was going crazy. Hopefully he will forget much of this experience.

In the meantime, we are excited about all of you who are letting us know you are sending cards for Dean's birthday. Linda and Bill


Anonymous said...

LindA, you and Bill are saints! God bless you for all of yourlove! I will send a card for sure! Carla

Anonymous said...

I have been following Dean's progress on your blog since I heard about his transplant. thank you so much for keeping us up to date. I worked with Dean several years with Panasonic and have missed his thoughtful kindness, gentle prods, and always creative thinking since I took a job as a principal in Caldwell, Idaho. I just wanted him to know that I'm thinking about him and send him a daily hug. He is an amazing person. This planet is a better place because of his presence here.

Unknown said...

Good Morning to all of you. I realize that is has been awhile since we've communicated with you. We were in the mountains all last week. But Dean is always close in thought. And, we loved seeing Bill for dinner. We felt like that was such a special treat. Even though there continues to be setbacks, it sounds like forward progress is being made. We are so happy for that. We will definitely be celebrating Dean's 65th with you in spirit and cards.

Love to all of you,
Muriel and Sue

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update today
WEe will be thinking of you all

Michelle And Kent

jayez said...

I guess we still have a long walk through the woods, just as the saying goes "we thought we were through the Woods" you find more trees! What a stupid saying. That good day was soooo good. There will be more. Love to you all,

Anonymous said...

Linda and Bill,

As Carla said God bless you all for your love and support!
Hopefully tomorrow will be an up day. Please give my love to Dean
who as so many others have said
is wonderful, kind, gentle,thoughtful, a real professional, and a wonderful friend. Sending you all positive
energy, thoughts and prayers daily.

love and hugs,
sue from florida

Clif Barnhart said...

I think all of know it takes stamina to keep up these postings. Here's just a thank you for the continued effort on our behalf, those who follow it.

As a psychiatrist, let me also say, don't fret about those altered states of consciousness and distortions of reality. They are part of the sleep deprivation and perhaps antirejection meds. All will be fine in that regard as he moves into the next stage of his recuperation and rehab.