Sunday, March 1, 2009

It really is March 1

Today, Dean asked me what day it is. When I said March 1, he vehemently denied it. He wanted to see a calendar. Thanks to Hallmark's free pocket calendars, I was able to whip one out of my purse. But how do you convince someone that it really is Sunday; it really is March 1. There isn't anything tangible about days of the week or dates of the month.

Last night he tried to drink out of a cup that the night nurse left a little too close. That put him on watch today. He can only have moist swabbies we call "pinkies." They are absolutely tasteless. Their purpose is only to moisten his mouth. He growls at us when we tell him that's all he can have.

On a happier note, I know Dean talks about his grandsons with all of you. Wyatt and Owen competed in a judo tournament yesterday and advanced to the next belt. Wyatt received his green belt, which is only two away from black. Owen got his blue belt,three away from black (obviously the desired prize). Successfully attaining his blue belt makes Owen the youngest blue belt in Kenpo history! The boys have sent their drawings, school pictures, and emails to their Grandpa. But they haven't seen him since winter break. So they are very anxious to walk to the nearby ice cream store, without Grandpa's "tank."

Now, we have a request for you. March 27 is Dean's 65th birthday. We are asking you to send birthday cards to him so that Bill can share them on that day. Please send them to their home, 1245 York, Denver, CO 80206. Your heartfelt messages will be greatly appreciated. Please keep the messages short as Dean's attention span still does not permit him to focus for very long.

Please do not send presents or flowers. Dean still will not be able to receive them.

We look forward to all your cards and notes. We want it to be a huge gathering of his family and friends, eventhough you all cannot be here in person. Linda and Bill


Dan McGuire said...

Linda and Bill,
Thanks so much for the updates and the reminder about Dean's birthday. David and I will send a card with lots of good wishes. Best to you all.
Dan McGuire and David Mancini-Conway

Sharon said...

We returned from vacation to learn that Dean is doing better. So glad to hear he is about to leave ICU behind. We will definitely remember his birthday.
Bill- remember, we would love to buy you dinner some evening when you feel you can leave Dean for an hour or two. Let us know.
Thanks so much for the updates. We will continue to keep Dean in our thoughts and prayers.
Sharon & Dave

Anonymous said...

I am sure the news about Wyatt and Owen brighten Dean's days. He never misses an opportunity to share their successes. He loves them so. How wonderful to be able to have this slight diversion. Thanks for the birthday reminder. You all remain in our prayers. XO Kathy and Chip

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda and Bill,

Good to hear good news
and of course to be reminded
of Dean's birthday. I will let the folks in Highline know as well
who i know would love to send Dean
a birthday card! Thank you linda and Bill for all you are doing as the on site team and Haverly and Frazier for all the ongoing love
and support you provide...and the kids wow...Bless you all

thoughts and prayers continue from florida

love and hugs,

Rollie Butler said...

The steps are small but seem to be moving forward, for which we are grateful. Thank you for letting us know about Dean's birthday - we hope that by then he'll be out of ICU & will be stronger.

Our hearts & love go to you all,
Rollie & Richard

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for the update,

Thinking of you all today

Michelle and Kent