Saturday, March 14, 2009

Two Better Days in a Row

The past week has been up and down and up and down, but Friday and today were much better days. Dean is still on antibiotics and he had to have blood transfusions this week. Today he looked pink...a very desirable color, to say the least. That's compared to a grey color when he has that "haunted," "wild" look.

Sleep seems to be coming at times. Dean's heartrate reached over 120 sometimes this week. And, the nurses say that if he was really asleep, the rate would calm down. This afternoon, Cassie, Frazier's fiancee, and I joined Bill at Dean's bedside. We shared stories about Wyatt's and Owen's karate tournament, lunch with Cassie's brother, and our drive to the Springs and back on a beautiful day. Dean listened and listened and listened and when he go tired he told us to go home. He wanted to sleep.

For the first time, I saw him lift his head off the pillow and bend forward at the waist. Bill says he's done that hopefully we'll see that more often.

He also asked about when he gets to go to the rehab hospital. Dean is on a medication that he takes through IV. At the rehab hospital he has to take it by pill. Smashing the pill and putting it in his feeding tube keeps clogging it up... so that isn't a solution. Until a way is figured out to ensure Dean gets this medication, he won't move. Bill and I thought the move would occur about 1 1/2 weeks ago. Now we have no idea. The director of the rehab hospital said for every month that Dean has been hospitalized it will take approximately two months to recuperate. So we're looking at about 6 months in rehab.

We're planning to do a small birthday party for the ICU staff on Dean's birthday...and then share all the cards with Dean. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. We still need lots more. Linda and Bill


Ann Jones said...

I am so relieved to see read this post. The fact that Dean can continue to fight these infections on top of everything that he has been through is amazing. Sending all the prayers and good thoughts I can. Please all take care of yourselves.


Anonymous said...

Thanks again for the updates. Just ordered up a sooper dooper set of thoughts and prayers... they're on the way...

David Jensen

Anonymous said...

You all are in our thoughts...constantly. We will help move Dean to a new place at a moments notice...and we will help relieve all of you when the timing is right. Keep the stories about Wyatt and Owen coming because we know how much joy they bring to Dean and to all of us. love, love, love, The Fulton's

Anonymous said...

I'm up here in Firestone with Lee, Teresa, Cole, and Alexa. Had a lovely week at the Sprucewood with George and Sharon; we had the children there for two days, so spent lots of time wandering in the mountains. And all this time, I think of all of you just miles away. I hope those prayerful thoughts rolled down the mountains to Aurora and you!
Hugs, Mary