Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Few Steps Backwards

Yesterday afternoon Dean became highly stressed and started his panting mode, causing a spike in his heart rate. In order to calm him down, he was given some type of medicine that Bill thinks is a sedative. Today, he wouldn't participate in physical therapy, was in pain, and became stressed again. So he received another sedative . Otherwise, he would have hyperventilated and passed out.

Apparently Dean's body is having difficulty digesting the nutrition supplement he is receiving through his feeding tube. Gas is building up in his stomach causing the distension and pain. The doctors have ordered that the feeding tube be removed. Dean will receive feeding through IVs.

The result is that Dean will not soon be having the surgery he needs...which means he won't be going to rehab soon. We are looking at several more weeks before he can be moved. This is distressing news for us...and a very distressing result for him. We'll keep you informed. Linda and Bill


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the news. More prayers on the way...

David Jensen

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you today

Michelle and Kent

kathy and chip said...

You all remain in our thoughts and prayers.
Kahty and Chip

Rosanne said...

Darn it! Hope you can feel our hugs, Linda, Bill and Frazier. We are planning to see Haverly in Chicago this weekend, so she'll for sure get hugs. What else can we do? We'll keep you in our thoughts...hourly. love, the Fulton's