Thursday, April 16, 2009

A major storm is heading to Denver, so I am at Bill's tonight. This blog message is a collaboration between the two of us. The good news is that Dean has reached a state of relaxation. He's not anxious or panting. Tonight he's resting and he has been sleeping better.

The first procedure Dean experienced today was a change in his pik line. He needs more ports because of the IV feeding. It was an easier procedure that only took about 20 minutes. Then he was back to his room. He didn't need sedation so that helps. He was asleep and very restful after that. His numbers - heartrate, oxygen, etc. were normal. Chris, his nurse believes he is catching up from the stress of the past few days.

The doctors are still pondering Dean's feeding issues. One of the lung transplant doctors said that the gastric problems are being caused by all the antibiotics he is taking. It's killing all the good bacteria in his body so his digestion is not working successfully.

Dean's native lung has hyperextended and is putting pressure on the heart and the transplant lung. This restricts the movement of the transplant lung. The doctors decreased the pressure inside both lungs so that the stress is off the heart and new lung. Dean has responded by sleeping peacefully.

They haven't started the IV feedings yet, but Dean is receiving more water. Bill is feeling a lot better this evening that Dean is resting so much more easily.

I leave for Washington, DC on Friday. While I am gone, Bill will probably ask Haverly to blog. Next week is a new set of letters for emails. I make hard copies of your messages and pictures so that Dean can hold them and read them in large font. I'm enjoying them just as much as I know Dean will. Have a great weekend, Linda and Bill.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for taking the time to update everyone on Dean's progress. Prayers and more healing prayers...

David Jensen

gianstefano said...

Dean: I think about you and Bill every day. Wish I could be there just to give you a big hug and sit with you for awhile and maybe even hold your hand. I think you know how much we love you, but just in case... WE LUV YOU! Oh, and by the way, I'm looking forward to that next apple pie! I can wait. I'm a very patient man. Get well!

Bill and Susan said...

Linda and Bill:

We sent you a message for Dean a couple days ago and we get a message that it was having difficulty having it received at your e-mail address. Hopefully, it will get through but wanted you to know the problem. If you fail to get our message please send us an e-mail. Bill

Ann Jones said...

I'm having people over for dinner tonight and opened my cookbook - I had marked a page with a Christmas Card from Dean. So I'm thinking of you all more than ever....


sue said...

Am thinking of you all today
with thoughts, hugs and prayers
wishing the family and Dean
whatever strength is needed.

Lots of love,

sue from in Denver