Tuesday, April 21, 2009

In a holding pattern...

Hey everyone,

Hav and I have been sitting with dad for the last couple of days. I thought now would be a good time to post an update.

Dad has had a restful few days now. He seems to be calm since we all gathered on Sunday. Today his anxiety has acted up and we've had to cover the TV again and he's seeing things in the lights. We've been able to talk to him about his fears and have tried to convey to him that he's not going crazy, its just side effects from medications. He even made a joke about going nuts, so I think he understands some about what is happening.

The move to the rehab hospital is still on hold, apparently his case worker here went on vacation, which is causing a delay in the move. Its frustrating that other people's lives continue to move forward when we are waiting for little things like trading one hospital bed for another. We were told the move would happen today, but now we're being told tomorrow. I won't hold my breath until he's actually on the ambulance on his way across town.

So we are in a holding pattern. I've talked to dad some about the new hospital and he seemed excited about getting off the respirator. He has a new air mattress that is supposed to help his comfort but so far he doesn't seem to notice a difference.

As soon as he is on his way out the door, someone will post an update. Until next time, keep up the thoughts and prayers.



Anonymous said...

Thank you. Continuous thoughts and prayers for all of you.

David Jensen

Anonymous said...

Your updates are so appreciated. I wish I could give back to you and your family some of what Dean has given to me in my years of knowing him at BVSD! He is an awesome man that has raised some very special kids too!! Thanks Frazier and Hav for your spirits!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the update. We will keep good thoughts and prayers coming your way.

Michelle And Kent.

Taya said...

Oh...the opportunities to practice patience! :o) They're endless, aren't they?

Thanks for taking the time to share the status of things...I confess to checking the blog about a hundred times a day to see what the next installment will be....

I wish you all grace and strength in the days ahead....

sue said...

Dear all,

thank you from me as well
sounds like you and haverly are having a calming effect on Dean.
Thoughts and prayers continue for
Dean, bill, Linda, Haverly and Frazier and all the family...
You are wonderful but i am not surprised because you are connected to Dean.

God bless and wishing you
all peace, love and strength

sue from florida (am home now
and enjoyed the snow in Colo.!)

kathy and Chip said...

Checking in again - our prayer circle for all of you continues and much positive energy sent your way. Love to you Frazier, Haverly, Linda, Bill and DEAN! XO Kathy and Chip

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your update it is appreciated........ we will send you positive thoughts and prayers each day

Kent and Michelle