As Frazier said, we won't hold our breath until Dad is on his way to the rehab hospital. Unfortunately we are still waiting, so Dad remains in the ICU. His older brother Walter, my aunt Donna and cousin Will all arrived from Dallas today to see Dad and we could all tell he was very glad to see them along with my Uncle Gary, dad's younger brother. We are all here in the hopes that we can help raise Dad's spirits for the better.
Until tomorrow...
Dear Dean,
This is my week to send a message to you so here goes!
From Haverly's last comment, we learned that you are surrounded by your dear ones. For every one of them, there are ten fold more of us, "virtually" surrounding you with love and support.
I remember you once saying that when a meeting got difficult or boring, you would take a quick "zen" break. Perhaps you can find some blips between the moments to take a zen break now, knowing that you are being held by so many who love you. Maybe this is your yoga - to relax into the blips in time that are silent and peaceful?
As I am doing my yoga this week, I will be thinking of you, sharing the brilliant stillness and love around each of us.
Here's a virtual hug, to you and all your loved ones.
Hi To Dean and His Family -
We were so hoping that Dean would be moved to rehab. Perhaps a change of scenery would be very good for him and for all of you as well.
Thank you so much for all of your updates. Of course, we continue to check daily and are always so glad to continue to receive whatever news you have.
We're thrilled that his family is there. I'm sure that will give him a lift.
We continue to send lots of hugs and prayers for a very positive outcome.
Love to all of you,
Muriel and Sue
Thanks so much for continueing to send messages. We know that it is very hard on everyone but so many of us, "out here", love and care about all of you and want you to know that you are in our prayers.
Hope rehab will soon be in your plans--maybe a new location will help build everyone's spirits.
We are now back in Denver, from Florida, and as we drive by your place we can't wait until we see you at home.
Love, Kay and Andy
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