Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Checking in

Hi everyone,

First off we wanted to say thank you for all of the comments, emails and messages we've received. We've really enjoyed reading them and sharing your fond remembrances of Dad.

I wanted to reassure everyone that while we are working on a party to honor Dad's memory, it won't be this weekend and won't be for a few weeks. We're sorting out details now and as soon as we have a date to share we will post it followed by the necessary details. We're also going to ask for your help in RSVP'ing as we are thinking there might be a large crowd and we want to make sure we've got enough space!

So keep a look out here on the blog and as you speak to people who may not read the blog all that regularly, please help us keep them informed.

For now we are resting, recuperating and remembering.

Lots of love and thanks to you all,


Anonymous said...

Hi Bill, Linda, Haverly Frazier and Cassie,

I'm so sorry for your loss. Dean was a very lucky man to have had so many people love and care about him. The theory that if you leave this world with at least one true friend, you are blessed.

Take care of yourselves.

Sharon (University Hospital, SICU)

Anonymous said...

Dear Family,
Please know that all of us in Seattle Public Schools are grieving. We love Dean. We are thankful for your updates and feel like we were a part of this process. You are in our prayers. Dean was certainly a significant part of my life. I can't bear the thought of living without him. I'm sure these sentiments are shared by all who knew him. He had no casual acquaintances.
Love Carla and Dean's SPS friends.

gianstefano said...

The last time I saw Dean was in Palm Springs when Chuck and I went to visit Dean and Bill. I believe it was last June. I could tell then that Dean was really struggling, yet he insisted on baking us one of his fabulous apple pies from scratch. I watched him roll the dough, and at one point I thought that he might literally collapse. I didn't want him to continue working on the pie, but he very stubbornly insisted. He wasn't about to let his illness interfere with his ability to feed his guests in the manner in which he was accustomed. Those meals were pure acts of love on his part. He taught me a lot about perseverance in the face of adversity. I always meant to tell him that. Keep us posted regarding the party, and let us know how we might be of help.

Scott said...

Looking forward to hearing when we can come to celebrate Dean's life and love.

I'll make every effort to be there when the date is set!


Anonymous said...

To Dean's Loving Family,

What a long vigil you suffered along with Dean all these months... Please know that those of us from Boulder Valley School District who had the privilege and honor to work with Dean are grieving with you. He was such an extraordinary man. He will be missed...
Jan Harkins

Taya said...

Glad to know you're giving yourselves some time to restore, recuperate and've been through a lot these past months and it'll take a while to recapture some energy...let alone the process of allowing yourselves to grieve.

Shana and I have talked about wanting to join you for whatever you do to honor Dean's life. Keep us posted as we intend to make the trip...

Hugs to all, Taya

Anonymous said...

My goodness HOW Dean loved a good party. And what a gracious host he was as well. Let's also not forget how much Bill, whom we all love deeply, quietly did to make them so splendid. After all, someone had to be sure that the flair was rising above a sure foundation of elegance!

So, count John (who has already written) and me in. Life is meant to be lived fully and celebrated enthusiastically. We all learned that from Dean. What we also learned is that applying a pure principle is most difficult and thereby most essential at those junctures where there is great pain and transition. We saw Dean do it and now it's our turn.

Love to all,


sue said...

Dear Bill, Linda, Haverly,Frasier
and Cassie,

love the 3rs...resting, recuperating, and remembering!
as to the party to celebrate Dean
and his love of life, his loved ones, his stories and his accomplishments and "wonderfulness",
I will be there. I know that some of the Highline group will come as well if it is at all possible. Please do take care of you all and know that thoughts and prayers are with you. thanks again for keeping
us so much a part of the journey.

love and hugs,

sue from florida

Emmett Goggin said...

Dear Linda, Frazier, Haverly, and Bill,

The loss of my good friend has left me at a loss for words. Dean was my friend, a mentor, an advocate, a playmate, and nearly a brother. He will live on in the legacy he created among his vast community of friends and colleagues. Thank you for keeping us in touch with him these last hard months. My love and condolences to each of you and to all who miss Dean so much but who will never forget him.
