Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hi All,

We have selected a date and time and wanted to get that information to you so that you can mark your calendars.

Saturday, May 30 from 2pm-5pm in Denver.

We will be finalizing the location and will post details as that is done but for now, at least you know the date and time.

To those of you who might not be able to make this date, we're very sorry and hope you will understand that we were trying to find a date that worked for as many people as possible.

We will be sharing information about two causes we have selected to help us honor Dad. We hope that if you can't join us in person, you'll be able to help us honor him in this way. As we share the information with you, I think you will all see how much both of these have meant to Dad and to us.

Lots of love,


sue said...

Thank you for the update and date. I will be there to celebrate
Dean's life.

love and hugs,

sue from florida

if i can help in anyway please let me know

Scott said...

I will be there, too!


joan russell said...

please consider letting the newspapers know..expecially in boulder..i know folks would want to know about your dad. the district sent out a note all employees, but so many in the community were touched by dean. thanks.

Anonymous said...

I was so sad to hear about the passing of your Dad....I sat sort of stunned in my chair at work when I got the news. He was a wonderful man who was great to both work for, and have as a parent of one of my all-time favorite students. I am sad that I will be out of town on the 30th and will miss the services, but my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. If you want to drop me a line after the dust settles, I would love to hear how you are doing these days!

Fondest Memories,
Mr. "G" Gillach

debbie said...

Dean has been such a mentor, friend and inspiration for me over the past dozen years. His loss will be felt by so many across the country. Dean's ingrity, optimism and belief in what is right and good will live on in so many.

I am so sorry to hear of your loss.

Debbie Hearty

Anonymous said...

My favorite memory of your Dad would be the time that he secretly entered the Bus Driver Chili Contest. There were perhaps fifteen crock pots and kettles full of chili in the lounge of the Boulder Terminal, each labeled with a number so that judges could sample without knowing the identity of the cooks. As anyone with a nose for good chili might imagine, the aroma drifted through the offices all morning as we waited for the competition to begin just before noon.

The three judges came from their offices “up front”, which was our friendly or sometimes not so friendly reference to the central admin area at the Ed Center. As the judges conferred and were ready to announce the winners, the numbers were matched to the names of the contestants. “Dr Damon?” I can still remember the sort of stunned and surprised look on the faces of each judge as your Dad’s name was matched to one of the winning recipes.

With that bit of effort during what was probably another busy workday, your father changed the culture of our department. At that moment, we knew the Superintendent was familiar with where we worked yet more importantly he was recognizing our work as bus drivers and transportation staff within the BVSD community. For many of us at the time, this kind of acknowledgment and inclusion by a top level administrator had never occurred.

Dennis Lewis
Nederland Supervisor