Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Setback Number... Who Knows

Dean has developed another infection. Bill called me at work to let me know that his white blood cell count was high. He is now on antibiotics, and the lab cultures from last night did not come back immediately. That's a good sign. This, however, means the stoma procedure is delayed, which delays moving to rehab. As they say, one step forward and ten steps back.

On the plus side, Dean got a new bed today. It is an air-filled mattress with a gore-tex covering that let's air move through to his body. You don't even put sheets on it. Moving Dean from one bed to another was quite an ordeal. But 4 nurses did an excellent job. I stayed with him during the transfer and was even able to make myself useful...moving cords and unplugging the other bed and holding Dean's hand to calm him. Once he was settled, he fell right to sleep.

Tomorrow we are going to start Dean on small balls he can squeeze. We need to improve his penmanship and strengthen his arms too. It seems like a small thing, but we think it will give him something to focus on. And it will give us a feeling of helping. Linda and Bill


Anonymous said...

More prayers ordered up! With a large side of healing prayers. They should be arriving soon.

David Jensen

Mary said...

Dear Dean,

We are thinking about you and know you want to be well and free of all the medical encumbrances. That is the picture of you we are holding in our minds and hearts. God bless you and your family.

Mary and Bill